No matter who you are, know that you are whole, and you are the one managing your health daily. Working with another is powerful, and the relationship can create a Yin and Yang duality, therefor knowing who you are working with is the importance.
As a Indigenous therapist I understand the importance of looking at the client as a whole. Meditation allows me to listen to nature, and the life you are experiencing. Allowing me to understand the joys, and fears of your own nature. Chinese Medicine is a medical knowing of the body, mind, emotion, and a therapist of Chinese Medicine is skilled at assisting the body holism for maintaining health, and restoring health. We take our client relationship to a whole new level as practitioners that empower wholeness, balance, Yin and Yang, and the colours of your life by understanding the Five Elements. This is important when choosing a practitioner

Scosha Diamond RAc, ITh
Scosha Diamond is an Indigenous Therapist who practices in Clayton Park, Enfield, & Cole Harbour. Therapies practiced are Acupuncture, Acupressure Medical Massage, Cupping Massage, YNSA Scalp Acupuncture, Cold Low-Level Laser, LED Light, Reiki(Chinese Medicine Foundations), Reflexology, Bach Flower Remedies, Art Abstract, and Medicine Cards. She is accepting new clients.