Caring for your health and well-being is important for all the stages of life. Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine offer powerful tools to help you feel your best. They have been used for thousands of years to treat men’s health concerns and they can be safely used along side Western therapies. Treatments for Prostatitis, Male depression, Benign prostatic hyperplasia, Prostate cancer, Erectile dysfunction, Infertility, Male menopause, and more can be discussed with your practitioner and find the best program for you.
During your first consultation we help discover what the treatment protocol will be; Such as TCM diagnosis and process for your medical complaint.
Treatments are based on the five Chinese Medicine Foundations of Yin Yang, Qi, Holism, Five Elements, and Meridians. Using modalities like Acupuncture, Acupressure Medical Massage, Cupping Massage, Moxibustion, Gua Sha, Cold low level laser, LED Light, Reiki, and Bach Flower Essences. All therapies listed to be used with the client consent with the goal to nourish basic goodness of whole health.
To get the most benefit out of your treatments; your acupuncturist may also provide dietary recommendations, exercise program, or other stress relief methods. Together with your acupuncturist you can address your health concerns and take control of your well-being for a long, happy, and vigorous life.
Congratulations on taking your first steps towards a healthier and more balanced body, mind, and emotion. Contact us today at 902-798-5825